What: Sound piece on Radio Voicemail, a project by Rotterdam-based artist Floris Visser. It is a 2 minute radio show broadcasted in the medium of voicemail and each week a new radio show is made by a different artist.
When: My slot was aired on 24th June - 1st July, 2015
We develop machines in our likeness, we copy that likeness.
We make machines like ourselves, we become that machine,
endlessly carrying and passing down the cycles of inherited cyborg errors.
Floris Visser made this beautiful concrete plaque of Radio Voicemail participants nailed to the entrance of WORM (Rotterdam). Other plaques are spread throughout the NL: Extrapool (Nijmegen), OT301 & Red Light Radio (Amsterdam), De Fabriek (Eindhoven) and SBK / Galerie 180 (Dordrecht).