BENJI™ is a speculative fiction that explores bio-information as a commodity and consequently envisions the prospects of genetic discrimination and the increasing personalisation of marketing... more


An interactive poster printed in 3 different types of invisible inks to ensure better protection. Steganography is the art and science of hiding messages in plain sight and invisible inks are one... more

We develop machines in our likeness, we copy that likeness.
We make machines like ourselves, we become that machine,
endlessly carrying and passing down the cycles of inherited cyborg... more

TLTRNW (Too Long To Read and Write) is a collection of sketches that explores abbreviation, compression and fragmentation in relation to how we consume and produce information and work in the... more

Eyesberg played a double function again organising and designing the identity for Zine Camp at WORM this year. We made the posters, flyers, website and... more

In the non-commercial section of Art Rotterdam 2015, artist Reinaart Vanhoe ran a xerox copy-and-paste-DIY bookmaking workspace called "My booth is your booth". ... more

1) Get off the technological hamster wheel.
2) Innovation ≠ Good, Obsolete ≠ Bad.
3) Obsolete Design.